What Is Acupuncture And How Can Get It?
History of acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient method of healing and it's getting used for hundreds of years especially in china. it's about 3000 years old and consistent with some researches it's getting used from 5000 years. it's commonly referred to as Chinese traditional medicine but recent evidence indicates that true source of acupuncture may are Central Europe but there's little question that the inspiration and principles of acupuncture were formulated in China. How it works: consistent with traditional Chinese medicine the health of the body depends upon the balance of yin and yang, five elements of life and therefore the energy force referred to as Qi which is pronounced as ''chee''. Qi flows through the pathways which are called meridian within the body to stay the balance and when the energy is imbalanced the body faces diseases. What is acupuncture good for: Acupuncture is extremely affective therapy; it's wont to treat...